About Us




My name is AKINTADE OJOISINMI also known as OJOH INT'L, I am the C.E.O of ojohtech.com. I'm a graduate of one of  the leading Polytechnic in Nigeria, I am a very humble and diligent guy who has passion for blogging in order to share ideals and knowledge with people both around me and far-off.  Also I’m a person who loves to know what I didn’t know.

Here at  www.ojohtech.com we always bring you the latest in the world of Technology, Computers tips, Mobile tricks, Blogging tips and Internet free browsing. We’re always concerned about your needs and satisfaction that is why Our aim remains to keep you updated.

If you like to know more about me you can contact me

Phone no:  +2347030234285 OR 09052505277

Email:       myojoh20@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/ojoh4mercy

Twitter:     twitter.com/ojoh4mercy


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